#relax your shoulders
z-eddsworld · 1 year
Hey guys! Don't forget to drink some water and eat something nutritional if you haven't!! And if you've just been on your device for hours, take a quick stretch break okay?
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coffeetime88 · 1 year
Here's your reminder to take a breath, unclench your jaw, drink some water, and be kind to yourself 😊
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tinyratmagic · 1 year
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i replaced two of the poster designs from my business cards zines and then made stickers from the designs, also of the bunny from my new year painting because they're a cutie and deserve to be a sticker
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wilwheaton · 2 months
if you could give one piece of advice to anyone ever walking the earth, what would it be?
Be kind.
Be honest.
Be honorable.
Always do your best, and accept that your best varies from moment to moment.
Don't be a dick.
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yashley · 6 months
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imogen & fearne in c3e81
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etiragram · 21 days
area woman experiences personal growth: coldness towards other human beings has evolved into a shyness that is indistinguishable from coldness
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shyghosties · 2 years
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that-foul-legacy-lover · 10 months
Random childe brainrot: Form stuck foul legacy.
(Im ignoring canon lore here of him rarely transforming into FL and how FL takes away from his strength, just imagine he sometimes randomly transforms) He wakes up one day realizing he somehow transformed into FL in his sleep, and he has a lot of chores o do today so he tries to de-transform.
..he’s stuck as moth.
and when he is stuck as moth: he is either extremely battle hungry, or incredibly affection starved and clingy.
*cracks my knuckles* this right here is my bread and butter, i am eating this up!!!
when he first wakes up, he's overcome with a need to fight- he needs to kill something, have blood on his claws, as it's what the Abyss wants and craves- until you walk into the room, and his demeanor softens. he becomes less battle hungry and more curious, lowering himself to the bed in order to seem smaller and letting out a quiet chirp. his heart feels odd- for once it's not restless, instead humming peacefully, smooth and steady as ripples on a shoreline, and when he slowly approaches you this serenity only increases. when you pet his head, there's a peculiar buzzing from his throat, and Childe realizes that his Foul Legacy form is purring
it becomes clear that you are the reason for his newfound peace- his love for you seems to override his Abyssal instinct to kill and maim and corrupt, instead leaving a gentle and sweet mothish creature that prefers to spend most of his time curled around you. he becomes agitated if you're gone for too long, scratching his claws on the floor and hissing in distress, and is far more wary around people who aren't you, like Zhongli who popped in for a visit. for some reason, being stuck in Foul Legacy also makes Childe about 20 times more touch starved, constantly wanting to have contact with you in some way and whining if he doesn't. it's a little awkward at first given his size, but eventually you settle on letting him wrap his claws around one of your wrists so he can tug your hand up to his face if he wants to <3
also he gives the best hugs ever in this form, take advantage of that
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kelin-is-writing · 1 year
Dabi’s the type of bf who gets so happy over your presence, even if he doesn’t outwardly show it. Like you send him a text saying you’re coming home from work because your boss let you clock out early and he’ll respond back with, “k see ya” but internally he’s twirling his hair kicking his feet and giggling like a teenaged girl with a crush
dabi is your #1 fan and supporter 🤧💜
AND every tongue that raises against you shall fall, by his hands no less.
he gets super defensive when someone speaks ill of you, would literally verbally demolish anyone that dares to say your name in vain, then if he deemed that it's needed he's gonna lit them up too!!!
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binah-beloved · 6 months
Binah dislikes it when you're not near her in the Library. she's not sure why, but is keenly aware of the slight unease she feels, the sense that something is utterly wrong when she can't see you. then the dread creeps in, the memories of the Corporation and the Extraction Department, the countless months spent locked away in the darkness
she thinks of you, of all the warmth you offered her and all the hours you spent working, stubbornly staying by her side. she thinks of how you would ramble on about things you were interested in, the little paper stars you would fold and leave on her desk, the way you would try any new tea blend she offered, because for you, she wanted to have something to talk about
she thinks about all the times you nearly died, and all the times you did die
and Binah, the Patron Library of the Floor of Philosophy, gets to her feet and goes to find you so she can feel whole again
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londonfoginacup · 9 months
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crimeronan · 8 months
Obsessing over your AU and Luz and Amity’s lumity dynamics. How tf are these two ever going to figure out they love each other? Is it going to be gradual (aka Amity realizing she has nothing to fear and Luz isn’t a cold murdering mastermind manipulator) or something more sudden where they’re in a situation where they HAVE to face their feelings, somehow? Very curious
god it deserves a full fic. i think i answered a similar question to this a few weeks ago but cannot for the Life of me remember what i said. (bad memory disease.) if this contradicts earlier kitkat just know that i contain multitudes but i Think it would be a combination of amity getting to know luz better and realizing that she actually really really REALLY wants to cede her power. and maybe even more than that, it's amity realizing that a lot of her most neurotic hangups about luz are bc of assumptions she's made about luz and hunter's relationship -- so the realization that hunter is nowhere Near as oppressed or mistreated as amity secretly worries he might be.
like i'm a sucker for involving a third party in any awkward romance but it's especially Vital here imo, because amity doesn't trust luz's intentions and also doesn't trust her own perceptions. and yet for some godforsaken reason, the person she DOES trust is hunter. like don't get me wrong, she thinks he's plotting her downfall at all times and like 80% of the time he IS, but he's also straightforward with her in a way that basically nobody else in the castle is.
amity and hunter getting into a heated argument because hunter is righteously indignantly going "she's NEVER mistreated me, she would NEVER hurt me, what are you ON" and amity is like "well of course you think that, you're delusional" and hunter is like "fine. tell me the ways you think she's 'mistreating' me"
and then amity rattles off like a solid twelve Wildly Incorrect And Also Super Fucked Up assumptions she's made about luz and hunter's power dynamic, while hunter is like
........blight. listen. do you like.... do you need me to go, like, kill your parents-
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vero-niche · 8 months
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who knew the secret to keeping up quality and not burning out as a creator for 10+ years is, well, rest
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devilsskettle · 13 days
most common response to recently cutting my hair short is “were you scared to do that?” or “how did you have the balls to do that?” or “what made you decide to do that?” and it’s like 1) that’s not a compliment even though you’re framing it like a compliment, 2) why is it scary? does it scare you to make non-permanent changes to your appearance? does it scare you to be gender nonconforming in a very minor way that does not actually challenge anyone’s perception of you or your gender? 3) nothing compelled me to do this beyond standard reasons for getting a haircut. my hair was too long and i wanted it to be shorter, that is the full story. i do like it though it does look good and i don’t mind people telling me that if they’re not weird about it
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mnogogrannik · 1 year
on the topic of patho 2 bugs improving the narrative, there’s the aglaya survives bug. so normally her story culminates either in her staying in town & with her role and being found dead outside the town hall the next morning, or you can try to leave with her on a train out of town, which ends up with you being caught and her being shot by the army and her body left in the steppe. inevitability of fate and adherence to role and all that (more severe this time because it’s always directly ending in death for her whereas in classic it was just implied it’d happen after the game is over).
but! she can in fact survive this! and it requires really specific behaviour and decision-making on the part of the player that i think serves to strengthen the “narrative” to this bug, and which plays to the themes of the game as a whole.
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so, if you’re careful about it, and maybe ignoring your duties for the day, you can stock up on a bunch of food, water, coffee, medicine, etc. all things you’d need to survive if you had no access to any other resources such as townsfolk for trading or a bed for sleep. essentially, packing for a long journey. you have to be conscious of what you’re bringing, and also of your state before you arrive to the station, so as to stagger out your rations properly.
aglaya’s train out of town event occurs very late at night/early in the morning on the last day of the game, and is comprised of several sections; there’s the start where you meet her on the platform, the middle, where you ride & converse with her in the train carriage, and then the end, when the train is stopped and the army executes her. each section requires a conversation to advance - the stages don’t advance on their own.
here’s the fun part! you have your final conversation with her to get on the train. and then, you wait. and wait. and wait. her voice lines still play as she’s near you, but you can’t ever try to engage actively with her again. all you can do is sit there, and feed or heal yourself as your hunger rises or your health runs low. this takes a long time even if you wait until the last moment to start this quest - you have to start it during the night, and wait through the entire day, never moving or speaking.
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why do this? because at 10 pm the next day, with the failure to find the courier carrying the inquisitor’s orders, the game’s late ending will kick in. you’ll be immediately teleported to the theatre, and mark chastises you, and aglaya is now nowhere to be found for the rest of the game (the tiny chunk that you have of it left), but on the bound screen we can clearly see that she’s never marked as dead.
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so, you can get aglaya to survive to the end of the game - you just have to forsake your duties, your bound, the entire town, the ability to talk to her, and the entire rest of the game, which i think is a fitting sacrifice, thinking of it in the terms of your choice from p1 haruspex. her story is cast off, the rest of her life is in some off-screen limbo, but it is guaranteed she is there to live it. the ‘where’ isn’t important.
this bug (well, less bug i guess, more oversight) has mystified me since i first found out about it - the fact that the character whose entire story revolves around fate and more importantly the idea that fate isn’t something you can subvert or shift, can totally avoid that fate through an unplanned act, like a little hole to escape through, unseen by god. it being unintentional and throwing off the events of the game entirely, so much so that you have to take it as your new goal instead of reaching a fulfilling ending for the town is so fitting and satisfying to me that i half wonder if it was that unintentional at all (though it must be because i imagine it would be patched out otherwise). the inability to speak to her ever again despite her being so close to you calls to mind the myth of orpheus and eurydice, as well - you can keep her alive and safe and all you have to do is not interact with her, not doubt yourself or your goal.
it’s one of my favourite things in patho 2, and i don’t think i’ve ever seen a bug as narratively-fitting and miraculous.
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